One aspect that truly sets Fucked Hard GFs apart from other amateur porn sites is the amount of content devoted to each girl who appears on the site. Instead of having just a single video or a small gallery you receive multiple videos and tons of cell phone images of each girl. As of today there are a total of 32 submitted girlfriends featured within the member’s area for you to enjoy. Be sure to watch the free preview scene featuring both Carmen and Shaye. These two beautiful girls trade boyfriends in bed in a thrilling amateur orgy.
A 30 day membership at Fucked Hard GFs is normally priced at $29.88 however our discount saves you $11.93 which lowers the price to only $17.95. Since this particular discount only applies to your first billing period you should consider opting for a 3 month membership plan instead. This extended plan is priced at $59.76 for 90 days of access which is equivalent to paying $19.92 per month. To join Fucked Hard GFs for cheap you have to use this link.
Update: You can now join Porn Mastermind, which includes Fucked Hard GFs, for only $59 total for an entire year of access. Learn more here.
April 7th, 2015: Exclusive $59 deal added