If you are unable to receive a discount for a site we have listed here are a few tips that will help you resolve the issue:
- Make sure you click the link within the post on our site to redeem your discount first. The link is usually near the bottom of each post and is underlined and blue in color. Click on the link and then load the join page to verify if the price is listed. If it is not listed, complete step #2.
- If you do not see the correct price on the join page, you may need to clear your cookies and try again. Each browser is different, but below are a few examples of how to clear your cookies.
- Chrome: Go to settings, located in the drop down menu at the top right off your browser, and click the ‘Show advanced settings…’ link at the bottom of the page. Then click on the ‘Clear browsing data’ button and then check only the ‘Cookies and other site and plug-in data’ in the popup box. Next click the ‘Clear browsing data’ button.
- FireFox: Click on Tools from the top menu and then select Options from the drop down list. Next click on the private tab and then click on the ‘Show Cookies…’ button. Type in the URL of the site you are trying to join in the search box to load up cookies related to that particular site. Then click the ‘Remove Cookie’ button for each cookie listed. You can also opt to clear all cookies if you are unable to find the site in the search box.
- Internet Explorer: Click on the tool icon at the top right of your browser, and then select ‘Internet Options’ from the drop down list. On the General tab, click the delete button, make sure only the ‘Cookies and website data’ check box is selected and then hit delete.
3. Once you have completed steps #1 and #2 you should be able the working discount. You may however need to restart your browser before you re-try the link. Be sure to bookmark or copy the URL of the post you are viewing so you can quickly find it again.
We frequently test each discount to make sure it remains valid. From time to time sites may change their pricing without us noticing first. If you run into issues reply to the particular post and I will research it and contact you with a fix.